What Does The NSFAS ‘Not Funded’ Status Mean?

What Does The NSFAS 'Not Funded' Status Mean?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in South Africa has implemented a comprehensive application status system to keep applicants informed about the progress of their submissions. One of the statuses that an applicant may encounter is the ‘Not Funded’ status. This article will explain what this status means and its implications for the applicant.

Understanding NSFAS Application Statuses

The NSFAS application process involves several stages, each with its own status. These statuses range from ‘Application Submitted’ to ‘Payment Confirmation’. Each status provides the applicant with an update on their application’s progress, including any outstanding requirements.

The ‘Not Funded’ Status

The ‘Not Funded’ status can be quite disheartening for an applicant to see. This status means that the applicant does not qualify for NSFAS funding. There could be several reasons for this:

  • The applicant is registered for a qualification that NSFAS does not fund.
  • The applicant has reached N+2 (or N+3 in the case of students with disabilities).
  • The student is a gap year student who NSFAS previously denied financial aid to because they did not meet the academic eligibility criteria.

What to Do If You Receive the ‘Not Funded’ Status

If you receive the ‘Not Funded’ status, it’s important not to panic. There are other avenues for financial aid that you can explore. For instance, there are bursaries, scholarships, and student loan programs in South Africa that you can consider.

In conclusion, while the ‘Not Funded’ status may be disappointing, it’s not the end of the road. There are other financial aid options available, and with determination and perseverance, you can still achieve your academic goals.

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