NSFAS Requirements For Returning Students : Find out here

What does NSFAS Application In Progress Means?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a key institution that supports education in South Africa, especially for tertiary students. NSFAS has a strong academic focus and aims to promote excellence, which helps build the nation.

This article explores the academic requirements that NSFAS has for returning students, who are those who paused their university or college studies and want to continue them. It is important to know the academic requirements for these students to apply successfully.

What are Returning Students?

According to NSFAS, returning students are those who stopped their studies at university or college for some reasons and now want to resume them. It is essential to understand the academic requirements for these students to apply successfully.

What are the Academic Requirements for Returning Students in 2024?

In 2024, NSFAS implemented new policies, which include academic standards for both new and returning students. Returning students need to meet certain criteria to get funding. NSFAS requires returning students to pass at least 55% of their course credits every semester.

What are the Rules for Returning Students in 2024?

NSFAS has set rules for returning students to make sure they follow the academic standards. These rules are not meant to discourage but to give clear expectations.

Returning students need to show good progress by meeting the required grade points and studying full-time at public or TVET colleges.

Course Completion and Registration

NSFAS stresses the importance of returning students finishing their courses within the given time limit. This means enrolling in all the necessary modules and avoiding short courses or part-time programs that do not meet NSFAS standards.

Do Returning Students Need to Reapply for NSFAS?

The answer to whether returning students need to reapply for NSFAS depends on different factors. If a student left their institution with no academic problems, they may not need to reapply. But those who did not pass a big part of their program or want to study a different course must reapply, following NSFAS criteria.

Application Process for Returning Students

Returning students who apply for NSFAS again need to make sure their personal information is correct, they are eligible for grade points, and they submit all the necessary documents. Signing important documents, such as the Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Needs-Based Assessment (NBA), is important for approval.


NSFAS shows its dedication to supporting education through its academic requirements for returning students1. By following these standards and rules, returning students can apply successfully. NSFAS plays an important role in making education accessible for those who need it, contributing to the educational growth of South Africa.

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