NSFAS Postgraduate studies: Does NSFAS Fund PGCE Students?

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The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a South African government student financial aid scheme. It provides financial assistance to eligible students at public universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges in South Africa.

One of the key questions that often arises is whether NSFAS funds Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) students. The answer is a resounding yes.

NSFAS and PGCE Funding

NSFAS provides funding for PGCE students, covering a range of costs associated with their studies. This includes tuition fees, accommodation fees, and also provides allowances for transport, living, and books.

The aim is to ensure that financial constraints do not prevent students from pursuing their educational goals.

However, it’s important to note that NSFAS does not fund all postgraduate qualifications. They only fund the Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) and the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA). This is a critical distinction for students planning their postgraduate studies.

Alternative Funding for Other Postgraduate Studies

For students studying towards a postgraduate degree not covered by NSFAS, alternative funding options are available. One such option is to apply for funding through the National Research Foundation (NRF). The NRF provides support for students pursuing research-based postgraduate studies.


NSFAS does provide funding for PGCE students, making it a valuable resource for those pursuing a career in education. However, students pursuing other postgraduate qualifications will need to seek alternative funding sources.

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