NSFAS Contact Details: How to Contact NSFAS 2024

NSFAS Contact Details: How to Contact NSFAS 2024

In the journey of accessing financial aid for education, contacting the right channels is crucial. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) stands as a pivotal resource for students seeking assistance. Knowing how to reach NSFAS in 2024 ensures that students can navigate the application process and resolve any queries effectively. Let’s see how to How to Contact NSFAS 2024 in this article.

NSFAS Contact Details: How to Contact NSFAS 2024

How to contact NSFAS by email

Emailing NSFAS is a straightforward process that allows students to communicate their inquiries, receive assistance, and stay updated on their financial aid applications. Here’s how you can effectively contact NSFAS via email:

Compose a Clear and Concise Email
When composing an email to NSFAS, it’s essential to ensure clarity and brevity in your communication. Start by crafting a clear and concise subject line that accurately reflects the purpose of your email.

Use a Professional Salutation
Address your email with a professional salutation, such as “Dear NSFAS Team” or “To Whom It May Concern,” to establish a respectful tone and set the right impression.

Introduce Yourself and State Your Purpose
In the body of the email, introduce yourself briefly, including your name and student identification number (if applicable). Clearly state the purpose of your email, whether it’s regarding your financial aid application, NSFAS Wallet, or any other inquiry.

Provide Detailed Information
Provide detailed information relevant to your query, such as specific issues you’re experiencing, documents you may require assistance with, or questions you need clarification on. Including relevant details helps NSFAS understand your situation better and provide more accurate assistance.

Read Also: How to apply for NSFAS 2024 -A Step-by-Step Guide

Be Polite and Courteous
Maintain a polite and courteous tone throughout your email. Remember that NSFAS representatives are there to assist you, and a respectful approach fosters positive communication.

Example Email Template

Here’s an example email template for contacting NSFAS:

Subject: Inquiry Regarding Financial Aid Application

Dear NSFAS Team,

My name is [Your Name], and I am a prospective student seeking financial aid for the upcoming academic year. I am writing to inquire about the status of my financial aid application and to seek clarification on the required documentation.

I have submitted my application [mention when you submitted your application, if applicable], and I would appreciate any updates on its processing status. Additionally, could you please advise me on any additional documents or steps required to complete my application successfully?

NSFAS Contact Details: How to Contact NSFAS 2024
NSFAS Contact Details: How to Contact NSFAS 2024

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

[Your Name]

How to chat with NSFAS

NSFAS, recognizing the importance of accessibility and timely support, provides students with the option to chat online for inquiries and assistance related to financial aid applications, NSFAS Wallet, and other relevant matters.

Accessing NSFAS Chat Services
To initiate a chat with NSFAS, students can follow these steps:

Log into myNSFAS Account
Access the NSFAS website and log into your myNSFAS account using your credentials. If you don’t have an account yet, you may need to register first.

Navigate to NSFAS Chat
Once logged in, navigate to the NSFAS Chat feature. This option is typically available within the myNSFAS portal, providing direct access to the chat platform.

Initiate the Chat
Click on the chat icon or link to start a conversation with an NSFAS representative. You’ll be connected to a live chat agent who can assist you with your inquiries.

Utilize NSFAS Chat effectively
When engaging with NSFAS through the chat service, it’s essential to communicate your queries clearly and provide relevant details to facilitate a smooth interaction. Here are some tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your chat session:

Be Specific and Concise
Clearly articulate your questions or concerns in a concise manner, providing necessary details to enable the NSFAS agent to assist you effectively.

Provide Identifying Information
To ensure accurate assistance, provide relevant identifying information, such as your NSFAS reference number or student ID, when prompted.

Follow Up as Needed
If your query requires further clarification or resolution, don’t hesitate to follow up within the same chat session or through additional communication channels recommended by the NSFAS agent.

NSFAS Contact Details

Wits Nsfas contact details

Ms. Nonkululeko Mavimbela (Student Liaison Officer): 27 11 717 1083.

Ms. Rendani Motsharine (Student Liaison Officer): 011 717 1084.

Mrs. Portia Simelane (Supervisor): 27 11 717 1072.

Unisa Nsfas contact details

Unisa is one of the colleges in Durban with NSFAS. Contact the Directorate of Student Funding at DSF-NSFAS@unisa.ac.za or 012 441 5612 regarding NSFAS funding at the University of South Africa (UNISA).

UJ Nsfas contact details

NSFAS has appointed the University of Johannesburg (UJ) to administer funds on its behalf. You can contact UJ via nsfas@uj.ac.za or its campuses below;

  • Bunting Road Campus (APB): 011 559 1250/1173/1193/1594/1552; A 24 red.
  • Doornfontein Campus (DFC): 011 559 6195/6412/6063 – 185, Admin Block.
  • Kingsway Campus (APK): 011 559 3768/3575/2965/3906/4035/ E ring 133.
  • Soweto Campus (SWC): 011 559 5507/5508/5702 – rooms 109 & 111.

How do I Contact National Student Financial Aid Scheme

General Enquiries (For general enquiries about National Student Financial Aid Scheme loans and bursaries)

Tel No.: 0860 067 327    Email: info@nsfas.org.za

Postal Address
Private Bag X1, Plumstead 7801, South Africa

Physical Address
10 Brodie Road, House Vincent 2nd Floor, Wynberg, Cape Town 7700

Fraud,corruption notifications

To submit information on fraud or corruption identified or witnessed:
Tel No.: 0800 203 900
Email: nsfas@thehotline.co.za
Fax2Email: 086 7261 681
Call Back Number: 072 595 9139
Postal Address: P O Box 21076,Valhalla, 0137

Account,Payment and Balance Enquiries

For queries regarding payments and balances
Tel No.: 0860 067 327
Email: recoveries@nsfas.org.za

Student Enquiries

For all other queries regarding students
Tel No.: 0860 067 327
Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Postal Address
– Students, University and TVET College documents
Private Bag X4, Plumstead 7801, South Africa


Tel No: 021 763 3200
Email: media@nsfas.org.za


National Student Financial Aid Scheme Contact Centre
Tel No: 0860 067 327
Email: sbux@nsfas.org.za
Postal Address – sBuxs documents
Private Bag X6, Plumstead 7801, South Africa

Outreach and Community Event Invites

For all queries regarding outreach and community event invites
Tel No.: 021 763 3200
Email: outreach@nsfas.org.za


Ensuring that you have the necessary support and guidance throughout your academic journey is essential. By utilizing the various contact methods provided by NSFAS, you can easily reach out for assistance whenever needed. Whether you prefer speaking to a representative over the phone, sending an email, or accessing resources online, NSFAS is committed to providing students with the support they need to succeed.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to NSFAS whenever you have questions or concerns. Your education matters, and NSFAS is here to help you every step of the way.

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