How to Apply for NSFAS Disability Fund 2024

How to Apply for NSFAS Disability Fund 2024?

How to Apply for NSFAS Disability Fund 2024? For students with disabilities in South Africa, pursuing higher education can be a journey filled with both aspirations and hurdles.

Thankfully, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) offers the Disability Fund, a dedicated support system to bridge these gaps and enable equal access to education. But how do you navigate the application process?

In this article, we will guide you through the steps of applying for the NSFAS Disability Fund in 2024, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge and resources to confidently embark on your academic journey.

How to Apply for NSFAS Disability Fund 2024

The First Steps:

  1. Eligibility Check: Before diving in, make sure you meet the basic eligibility criteria. You must be:
    • A South African citizen or permanent resident.
    • Registered with a disability.
    • Studying at a public university or TVET college in South Africa.
    • Financially needy.
  2. Gather Your Toolkit: Gather the necessary documents before starting your application. These include:
    • Completed NSFAS application form.
    • Proof of disability (medical certificate from a registered professional).
    • Proof of South African citizenship or permanent residency.
    • Household income documents.
    • Completed Annexure A and B, specifically designed for disability applications.
    • Any additional documents requested by NSFAS.

Application Process:

  1. Visit the NSFAS website ( and create your myNSFAS account.
  2. Select “Apply” and choose the appropriate application period (usually open between August and October).
  3. Complete the online application form diligently, ensuring all information is accurate and complete.
  4. Upload all the required documents listed earlier. Double-check to ensure they are in the correct format and meet the file size limit.
  5. Review your application thoroughly and submit it before the deadline. Remember, late submissions are not accepted.

Remember the Prompts:

  • Annexure A and B are crucial: These forms require detailed information about your disability, support needs, and assistive devices required. Complete them with the help of a healthcare professional or disability organization.
  • Seek Additional Support: If you encounter difficulties, don’t hesitate to reach out to NSFAS for assistance. You can contact them through their website, call center (0800 067 327), or social media platforms.
  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about changes in eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and disbursement schedules by regularly checking the NSFAS website and social media pages.

Applying for the NSFAS Disability Fund can seem daunting, but with proper preparation and the right information, you can navigate the process smoothly.

Remember, this fund exists to empower students with disabilities and pave the way for their academic success. Take the first step today, claim your right to education, and let your dreams take flight!

Additional Resources:


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